One-on-One Coaching

Get the physical freedom you deserve

Your goals come in all shapes and sizes. If you're looking for a professional who understands the human body to help your get relief from pain, injury, surgery or pregnancy/postpartum, or you're looking to get to a more mobile, healthier version of yourself, you're in the right place!

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Woman on yoga mat watching YouTube stretching

Get professional treatment and coaching to reach your goals

You've been looking for help. So, you've gone to your doctor, you've scoured YouTube and Google, but the rest of exercises suggested by your doctor and the generic stretching/exercises found online just isn't working. When you choose to work with a professional, you get an individualized approach and a specific progression of exercises to strengthen and activate your muscles properly to see the results you want.

Move better, feel better and return to living without physical limitations

You can stop second-guessing and trust me to create a one-of-a-kind plan for you. I take the time to fully understand what's going on so I can get to the root of what's happening and then create a personal care plan tailored for just what you need.

Rachel greeting the camera standing beside the stroller after a run

This is Megan McClure's Story

A mother of two and avid sports player, Megan came to me with knee pain and leaking issues. Her fitness seemed to plateau and she couldn't play with her kids like she wanted to.

Over the course of just 4 sessions, we worked on Megan’s breathing, muscle coordination and her exercise form. The results were amazing!

Her knee pain resolved

She did a 5k and her running felt great

She no longer experienced leaking

She finally felt the “right” muscles firing when she did her body building work outs, like her lower abs and her glutes

Get to the root of the problem so you can focus your efforts and see better results

I'm not about quick, surface-level fixes. You can expect that I'll work with you to fully understand what you're goals are, assess your current condition and create a specialized plan to tackle the root problem

You can expect to:

Get a comprehensive assessment of what's going on

Receive a tailored plan to get you back to pain free living, your exercise and your hobbies

Get peace of mind that you're on the right track to healing

This is right for you if...

You have pain or an injury: anything from shoulder, neck, back or hip pain, to plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and more!

You want to get rid of your pain and get stronger and be pain & injury proof!

You're a runner or you're in pregnancy/postpartum (I have additional specialties in these areas.)

Mom and son swinging in the backyard

Imagine being pain-free so everyday activities don’t take a second thought

When you're pain-free you have the freedom to play with your kids, get dressed, do the laundry, go for a run or exercise, and do a thousand other activities without worrying about your pain. How beautiful is that?! Get started with me and book your assessment today.
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