16 Weeks to stress-free Running
Do you feel like you need running back in your life so you can reclaim your identity—outside of motherhood?
Yes! This is me!
Don’t get me wrong, I know you love your little one(s), and I also know that there’s just something about getting back to running that lights you up.
You can’t wait to get out there again–whether it’s solo or with your kids.
The challenge is that you’re not sure what to do beyond kegels or how to work back up to running safely–plus, now you’re maybe dealing with things like pelvic pain, leaking, prolapse or ab separation–which complicates things a bit.
Trust me, I've been there and you’re going to need more than kegels and a few YouTube videos to successfully create a postpartum running routine again.
Which is also why waiting only 6 weeks isn’t going to cut it. Sorry! Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but just because your doctor clears you for running 6 weeks postpartum doesn’t mean your pelvic floor has.
You're going to need to strengthen your pelvic floor–beyond kegels–because it has to be able to withstand the high demands of running. And the good news is, you don’t have to spend hours to do it!
The Return to Run Postpartum Program is for the mom who knows she wants to get back to running AND heal her pelvic floor in the process. Because you just don’t have time to work on these separately.
This is for the mom who knows she needs accountability and direction on what to do and when. Because you have enough to manage that you don’t have the time or expertise to figure it out on your own.
This is for the mom who knows that just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes guidance and support to help you achieve your running goals and to be the best mom you can for your kids and family.
I’m here for you.
Heal your pelvic floor. Get back to running. Feel like yourself again. Be the best mom you can be.
It’s that simple.
Are you ready?
Heal your pain and pelvic floor. Free yourself from pelvic pain, leaking, prolapse and abdominal separation.
Start feeling like yourself again. Live your every day life free from stress and worry about your symptoms.
Reconnect and strengthen your core. Build the strength and endurance you need.
Create your new normal. Play with and care for your kids, spouse and home without a second thought.
Return to running after having your baby. Work up to your regular running routine and even sign up for your next event!
Running again feels SO far away. You wonder how you'll manage it with a baby, a spouse, work, night wakings, feedings around the clock...
You're not really sure where to start. You've already tried a few things, maybe did some kegels, and you're just not feeling any better than before.
If you could just get back to running, everything would be ok. You know that everything would feel right if you could just run again.
So many things are demanding your time and energy. Everyone and everything else seems to come first.
You're worried it's going to take a ton of time. You just don't have the mental energy to try to figure it out right now.
Whether you just had your baby or it's been a while, you're more than capable of healing your body to be strong enough to chase after your running dreams and raise a family at the same time.
Rediscover freedom and joy with running again!
You have so many questions
I know it’s hard to balance your role as a Mom. You're busy making sure your kids are fed, learning, and taken care of.
That’s why you're wondering, "How will I find the time to to run again?"
I, and countless other Moms, have gone through exactly what you’re dealing with right now.
The demands on your time are different.
Your body feels different.
And, YES, you can enjoy running like you did before.
You just need a different way and a new plan to help get you there--and you don't need to spend hours doing it.
That’s why I created the Return to Run Postpartum Program.
I coach my clients through their running journey with a focus on body awareness education and exercises that are specific to moms who are runners!
Have more freedom to run and play with your kids
Heal your body from leaking, prolapse, pain and ab separation
Be empowered to methodically step back into running
Gain confidence in yourself and your body through training
A mother of two and avid sports player, Megan came to me with knee pain and leaking issues. Her fitness seemed to plateau and she couldn't play with her kids like she wanted to.
Over the course of just 4 sessions, we worked on Megan’s breathing, muscle coordination and her exercise form. The results were amazing!
Her knee pain resolved
She finally felt the “right” muscles firing when she did her body building work outs, like her lower abs and her glutes
She did a 5k and her running felt great
She no longer experienced leaking
What if you're just 4 sessions away from feeling better, too??
"I've been looking for a good exercise program, especially since I had to be on bed rest for part of my pregnancy. As a medical doctor, I didn't want to just get anything from the internet that may or may not be safe...Rachel has true expertise, and her program was just perfect for me! I was surprised that I actually had time to stick to it even in my schedule as a busy mom.
"I love running, hiking, biking and skiing, so I'm not always very nice to my body. Before working with Rachel, so many parts of my body felt broken and in need of repair. For a while, I lived with lower back pain, knee pain, hip pain and I experienced awful pain in my right scapula every time I sneezed. Rachel's level of expertise, knowledge and fresh approach to looking at a woman's body blew me away! I'm no longer experiencing low back pain, hip pain or pain when I sneeze!"
“I'm definitely feeling stronger and better. I just had one of my fastest, strongest stroller runs. I can't believe I did 8 minutes with the stroller...best run since July!"
You crave running and are ready to jump-start your running journey
Have limited time to dedicate to your fitness but can’t wait to start feeling like yourself again
There's a running event you have your eye on and you want to be sure that you are up to speed on your training to be able to do it
You're ready to invest in your health, and get back to doing ALL the things you love
You're unable to commit 20-30 minutes on most days of the week to exercise
You're not ready to invest into your health, creating habits that will shift you from sluggish to strong
You've accepted your pain and leaking as "normal" (HINT: it's not!) and are ok with not being able to do the things you once could
You don't think you need pelvic floor rehab or that things will just get better on their own.
You think it's normal to pee your pants or have doming of your stomach when you work out and it will just go away with time.
I'm so glad you asked!
introducing The Mother Runner Method
This program was designed with your energy, mindset, limited time, and new, unpredictable routine in mind so you can start running again without the struggle, guilt and pain of figuring it out on your own.
Prime your pelvic floor & Connect to your core
Lay the necessary foundation from which to build. Learn the importance of and work on your breathing. Move beyond kegels.
Begin mom-specific & runner-specific exercises
The part that no one talks about or covers--except here! Start progressive resistance training. Amp up your cardio. Incorporate foundation work with more complex body movements.
Restore your normal routine
Beginning at the 12 week mark, you'll start running again with a progressive and realistic training plan. Perform movement tests to determine where you still need to focus your strengthening. Progressive weekly exercise sessions to get you running regularly again (I can’t wait!).
Why this is a 16 week program
12 weeks is now the recommended amount of time that moms should wait before returning to run postpartum.
If it's been longer than 12 weeks since you've had your baby, you still need those 12 weeks to do the prep work to get back to running quickly AND safely.
Watch the video to learn more about why these guidelines exist.
I’m just going to say it
You’re not taking NO for an answer
You’re SO ready to get back to running
All you need now is a safe progression of exercises that match with your busy mom life and your body's needs to get you back to normal.
I’ve refined this method to ensure you don't struggle or take more time than necessary to get on track with your fitness journey.
Benefit from 8 coaching calls with Rachel over the course of your program so you can get personalized responses and the support you need.
Receive weekly 20-30 minute exercise sessions designed to help you make massive progress and get strong quickly. Replay as often as you need!
Downloadable materials are provided for any learning style, because you're unique. Get a Weekly Goal Outline for the weeks ahead along with Key Exercises with technique descriptions and video demonstrations.
Access to the VIP, client only, community for when you need help and support. Ask questions that come up between coaching calls so you are supported every step of the way, and form close friendships with other moms on their run journeys.
Receive a training plan to get you running again. Created for the last 5 weeks of the program!
In addition to all of the above, you’ll get bonus videos including:
Sports Bras, Nursing and Breast health,
an informational video on everything nursing & running.
15 minute Gentle Stretch Routine Video for moms who run.
Women’s Ultimate Guide to Run Gear -PDF with lots of postpartum friendly recommendations.
All of the support and material you need to get back to running quickly is valued at almost $16,000.
Join now to get over $16,000 in value
for just $5000
Invest in yourself for immeasurable benefits
Save up to $1000 when you pay in full!
Followed by 2 monthly payments of $2000 each
Brandi had severe SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) diagnosed in pregnancy and had to get around using a walker for months.
She was desperate to heal her pelvic pain.
Only 12 weeks into the program, she was able to run and play volleyball for the first time in YEARS without any pelvic issues!
As a mom, I know how limited your time is. Some days it feels impossible to squeeze any more into the day.
As a doctor of physical therapy and pregnancy & postpartum specialist, I've helped countless moms heal their pain and symptoms and get strong again.
As an avid runner since 2006, I've completed a number of various events and distances from 5k to 50k and beyond.
I know that physical movement is healing. I've experienced pelvic floor symptoms and pelvic pain and had to learn how to heal my own body. I've decreased my postpartum return to run time tremendously from my 2nd to my 4th baby and this is what I want to share with you!
I focus on individuality and science. Using a combination of science, research, personal and client experiences and my background as a PT and postpartum exercise specialist, I'll help you get back to where you want to be.
my personal story
I know all about what you’re going through because I was exactly where you are with my second child.
During my second pregnancy, I developed symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD, also known as PGP or pelvic girdle pain) that caused me tremendous pain and discomfort. The pain was so great that it prevented me from running and living my life normally for over a year and a half!
My pain was limiting my life. I went to my doctor as well as a women's health PT, and talked to my therapist co-workers, all of who threw their hands up, and with no added direction, told me I was doing all the “right” things so I just have to live like this.
I was so angry that I was told “this is it”. According to the medical field at that time, there was nothing more for me to do.
But I knew that something was missing. This couldn't be it. I didn't deserve to live in pain long term. I deserved to get back to running with ease and freedom.
This is why I did ALL the research, took continuing education courses and finally healed my pain so I could get back to living my life pain free!
I started helping Mother Runners because of the lack of true and valid information that surrounds mothers, their physical changes and the healing process for their pelvic floor.
By following my own program, even with pelvic pain, I got back to running after just 3 months after my third and fourth babies!
With the right guidance, I know you can heal your body and get back to running quickly, too!
I'm going to be honest with you, nothing in life is a guarantee.
But I can tell you, of the dozens of women I've worked with, there have only been successes. If you're ready to fully commit to yourself and go all-in, you'll see results.
Every exercise has been carefully chosen based on the stage of postpartum healing you're in or the level of strength you’re at to ensure that you will be progressing safely.
Additionally, I have used this program three times myself and have taken previous clients through it with excellent success.
Yes, absolutely! This program will prepare you not only for getting back to running but running for the first time. In fact, I had a client who did just this!! Not only did she heal her pelvic pain but she became a first time runner!
This program is specifically designed for the postpartum mom, but I welcome you to schedule a call with me to see if it's a good fit for you once your baby arrives. This is actually a perfect time to conduct the session and make a decision before you're also managing a newborn!
You will have access as soon as you enroll! The length of this program is 16 weeks or 4 months. I have set the content access for a total of 4.5 months to allow for things that might come up in your busy mom life. The reason access is set this way is because I want you to take immediate action and keep the momentum going the whole time you're in this program! I'm here to support you and make sure you're running by the end of this program and you can't do that if you're taking long breaks or not prioritizing yourself!
I'm a mom of 4, so I totally get it. This program was designed with that in mind and is totally achievable if you can carve out 20-30 minutes 5-7 days/week.
I will work with you to ensure that you have strategies in place so that you are successful in getting back to running. That said, if you still feel that this is too much to manage right now, you can certainly wait to start when you feel that you can more reliably dedicate your time.
The program is designed to be manageable time-wise for busy moms. Modifications are given for almost every exercise, so even if you miss a few days, you can still move on to the next session in the series without issue.
If there is an extenuating circumstance, then we can talk about an extension. The decision will be based on a case-by-case basis.
As a general rule, I do not. You are paying for a coaching service and electronic materials. My time that I dedicate to you in the program is non-refundable, meaning it's something that I cannot get back.
I would challenge you to ask yourself if it's actual finances holding you back or you're just not feeling comfortable spending money on yourself.
If it's finances, I'd be happy to work with you on a payment plan or to explore ways to find resources to participate. If you're not feeling comfortable, sit with why that is, and ask yourself "Am I willing to step outside my comfort zone to be transformed and meet my goals?"
Husbands/significant others are welcome to join us during a discovery call.
That way everyone is on the same page, hears the same information and gets all their questions answered. Let's find a time that works for everyone, and if childcare is an issue--have the kids on, too! Believe me, I know how it can be!
No problem. I know how hard it can be to invest in yourself. Let's jump on a call where we can talk about the best way to help you. Schedule a call with me today.
You thought it was 'ok' to start running at 6 weeks after you had your baby.
You thought you could just get back out there and wing it.
When you realized you couldn't, you tried looking up exercises or online programs on your own.
When those didn't work, you turned to healthcare providers--maybe a PT or a coach or other specialists--all of whom left you with empty promises and no real tangible results.
You've become frustrated with where you're at now, the amount of time, energy and money you've spent already and you're not really sure investing in another program will be worth it.
I totally hear you. I've been there myself.
Moms usually come to me after the other things they've tried have failed.
You deserve the answers to achieving your best health.
Because when you feel your best, you can show up as your best not only for you, but for your kids and your family.
By getting back to running and becoming your fittest self, you can overcome anything, do anything and be anything you desire.
I can't wait to see you get there,